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Post-Apocalypse HR

You wake up and it’s January. The start of a whole new business year. A welcome chance at a do-over. No more holiday hours and sleepy work days - everyone is back from vacation and eager to get back to business. Years into the Global Financial Collapse (and ongoing recession in the US) we have had enough - time to move on - let's get this show back on the road. The recovery looms and it is going to be different this time around for HR ....right?

For months we have been undertaking the worst of our profession; downsizing, severance, cost cutting. We have even shrunk the function - with fewer people to service, you need less people we hear! Hmmm. But has anything really changed in any meaningful way - the key issues are the same. The financial crisis did nothing but add to the litany of challenges:

These challenges still exist plus a slate of new ones that have developed over the past year:

The post apocalypse HR function - leaner but fitter for task and more highly focused.

Paul Pittman is President of The Human Well, an Oakville, ON based strategic HR consultancy that provide their clients with competitive differentiation leading to superior business performance using proprietary methodology. He can be reached at, or by phone at 289-291-0299

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